Friday, December 10, 2010

My Hobies

In my spare time I like to play Black Ops with my friends. I also just like to hang out with my friends Nick and Alex.I also like to go swimming at the Kroc center. Me and my friends also play basketball there too.

Thursday, December 9, 2010

Favorite Holiday

My favorite holiday is Christmas, its my favorite because I get to see all my family. We celebrate by all going to my aunt's house on the 24th. We start by eating dinner. Then at night we each gather the gifts, that have our name our them. Then we go to the living room and sit in a circle. After we are done opening presents all the kids go to bed. In the morning we wake up and open all the gifts we got from "Santa".

Wednesday, December 8, 2010

Formal education is important because students have to get one nowadays. Its so students can get a good job,  make lots of money and have a fairly good life. Students need an education so they know how to do their job so they won't get hurt so easily. An education can also help people be put in the right job because they could be naturally good at it.

Tuesday, December 7, 2010

My name is Layton R Smith, I like to hang out with my best friends nick and Alex. sometimes i like to just be with my family. I like to play games, watch T.V, and go swimming.