Thursday, April 28, 2011

the drivers manual

The drivers manual is hard to read because its very confusing and hard to understand. It also been hard to remember the stuff in the book over time because I'm kind of a slow reader. So for the past three months I've been reading it I have been forgetting what I have been reading. So, to me its a hard book to follow.

Wednesday, April 27, 2011

They slept next to some logs on the beach. Then in the morning Kit saw the Dolphin sailing away so she went and swam out to it and tried to stop it, and she did. So then Kit got them to turn around and take Hannah with them, and they did. After that Kit went home and then some people came to their house and charged Kit with witchcraft.

Tuesday, April 26, 2011

I'm going to pick number three. I picked three because to me it looks the easiest to do. I also picked it because I feel like I will do well on it.

Friday, April 22, 2011

The last time I was in a hospital I had just been hit by a truck. Although when I was in the hospital I was so drugged up I couldn't remember what had happened or where I was. All that I can remember is when I woke up asking where I was and what had happened. Then I heard my mom say that I was in the hospital and that I had been hit by a car. I can also remember when they moved me from downstairs to a upstairs room. I can also remember when my nurse pulled my catheter out, that so much by the way. But the good part about that was that my teacher and student conselor came to see me, that was the best part of that experience. It was almost as exciting as leaving the hospital.

Thursday, April 21, 2011

Would I help a stranger even if it put my life in danger

Yes and no, if it was my friend yes I would but if it is someone I don't know that's a different story. Like lets say it was someones time to die like God demanded it. Who am I to decide or change that but if I knew that person then I would do everything I can to help no matter what.

Monday, April 18, 2011

My weekend was good nothing really exciting happened. I am also kind of sleepy, I could not get out of bed this morning so that's why I'm in the late class this morning. Im kind of in a normal mood I guess.

Wednesday, April 13, 2011

I think Judith is a kind of person that wants to look good. This is true because in the book she was a little jealous of Kit's nice clothes she brought. I also think that Judith is a social person because she is so excited about the husking bee.

Tuesday, April 12, 2011

simple sintences

People didn't like Hannah, and so everyone thought she was a witch. They didn't like her because Hannah was a Quaker and Hannah lived by herself in the meadows. Kit, Nat, and Prudence went to visit Hannh anyway because they tought she was nice.

Monday, April 11, 2011

I think telling little white lies is, sometimes bad and sometimes good. OK I'm going to be honest I don't know what to write so I'm going to make this quick. Lying is bad at certain times like if you are lying to hurt someone that's bad.. But if you're lying to keep someone from getting hurt, its OK I guess. 

Friday, April 8, 2011

My parents pick my name in a very weird way I guess. When I was born my parents didn't have a name for me yet. so for three or four days after I was born they just called me son or kid. So then my mom and day made a list of a of name they thought they should name me but they couldn't decided on one. Although at the bottom of both list was the the name Layton. So they decided to name me Layton. That's how I got my name from my parents.

Thursday, April 7, 2011

Because Kit goes there to talk. Kit also goes there because she feels at home. She feels like shes is normal and so different when she goes there.

Monday, April 4, 2011

Goals For The Rest Of The Year

My gaols for the rest of the year are to get my reading level up. One way I could get my reading level up by reading. It is also my goal to move on from this class and start testing for my GED. And maybe pass all the GED tests.

Friday, April 1, 2011

I wonder who invented the toilet plunger

The person who invented the plunger must have been a big man. He probably invented it because he kept plugging the toilet up or something. He must have been pretty frustrated with plugging the toilet so much he thought of a way to fix it without doing anything serious. But this is all theoretical.