Thursday, February 17, 2011

   I read a good book recently called "The Absolutely True Diary of a Part-Time Indian", by Sherman Alexie. This book is about a boy named JR and his life until he is a senior in high school. The book is also about his friends that he makes and loses during high school. Its also about his life on and off the reservation he lives on. JR. goes through some difficult times along the way too.

What happens in the first part of the story is JR. get picked on a lot by people on the reservation like this one time these guys were picking on JR. because his head was to big. The reason his head is big is because when he was born he had too much of the fluid that surrounds his brain. And the Dr. they saw after he was born said he could have problems when he grows up. But the good thing is that every time someone would pick on JR. his best friend Rowdy would beat them up.

Later in the story JR. decides to go to school at Rearden which is off the reservation. Rowdy then chooses to not be JR.'s friend anymore. Although JR. make new friends at the new school he goes to. His new friend Gordy hung out with JR.for a couple chapters of the book. When JR. goes to his new school he gets bullied and harassed. But then JR. punches the bully and he stops picking on him then every one at the new school liked he after that.

I think that this is a really good book for lots of reasons. One of them being that this book is funny and a good plot to it. The second reason is because the book was is a story of his life and what he went through. And the third reason is because its inspiring to people who have been picked on or had a difficult time in school.

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